Dreams of Terror Upcoming Updates

Hello Everyone!

This is the first Devlog I have posted on any social media and this game is also for my first heavily focused game. Currently, Dreams of Terror is heavily  unfinished. However, I have spent some time planning the future of Dreams of Terror:

What is Dreams Of Terror?

If you don't know, Dreams of Terror was originally created for the 7th Brackey's Game Jam. I spent 7 days on the project and there were a lot of things that were left unfinished or I never got to add. Now that the Jam is over, I can finish it.

Dreams of Terror is a 2D, Roguelite, Endless shooter. You currently go around, shooting enemies as they drop items to upgrade your gun. Dreams of Terror is also mostly an experiment, something to help me learn the development process for a game.


Dreams of Terror is based on a kid, heading to bed at night, and dreaming of being a toy soldier destroying his other toys. Of course, everyone may have good dreams of them being a hero, but there is also the bad. Nightmares will randomly occur, spawning harder enemies and more unique enemies, but that also means it'll spawn more unique loot. 

Maybe when you wake up, you can take some things from the Real World and add it to your imagination...

What is The Plan?

Currently, the plan for Dreams of Terror is to polish the game, release new items w/ crafting, release new weapons w/ crafting, add a wider variety of enemies and add a new "level", in that order. I currently want Dreams of Terror to be as build friendly as possible, giving as much freedom as possible while still making the game difficult, so many things may change on the current roadmap.

This Sunday (3/20), a Discord server and Youtube channel will be created for those interested in the development process.

Platforms for Dreams of Terror

At the end of development, when Dreams of Terror goes into it's 1.0 state and all goes well, I will be releasing the game on Steam and Google Play, a demo will be released here to allow players to try out the game before buying. 

That's All!

Thanks for reading and hope you stick around to see the development process! Follow me here or twitter for more updates!

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